Can You Be Compensated in Texas if You Were Ticketed After your Accident?
Being pulled over by a patrol car and then receiving a ticket for a violation while driving can turn a great day into a bad one. Depending on what the citation is for, the costs can be substantial and it also may come with demerits on your license.
Getting into a car accident is also an easy way to turn one’s day upside down. Compounding the distress of a car accident would be if after the incident takes place, you also get a traffic ticket.
While a ticket can make an already upsetting situation worse, it is still possible in the state of Texas to recover compensation for damages sustained. While a traffic ticket does not make the proposition of obtaining compensation from an injury claim easy, it also does not mean that you will not be able to be compensated.
If you were injured in a car accident in Abilene, call the Abilene car accident attorney at the Low Law Firm for help. The Low Law Firm has been advocating for victims’ rights for more than 14 years.
How Can You Be Compensated after a Car Accident if You Also Got a Ticket?
First, the type of ticket you were handed matters. If your license plate was obstructed in some way and an officer pulls you over for that they may decide to just give you a warning and let you go. Other times, they may write a ticket for the offense. Now, this type of ticket would not necessarily impact your ability to be compensated if after you leave the scene you get into an accident.
If you were ticketed for speeding, tailgating, running through a stop sign, or red light, then these actions can attest to the type of driver you are. A ticket for one of these offenses can also show that you had some amount of fault for your accident. While a ticket showing negligent driving does not help your case, it is not going to be the only factor assessed in terms of how fault is assigned.
Due to Texas’s comparative fault system, each party will be given a portion of fault for an accident happening. As long as the fault is deemed to be 50% or less, compensation is possible. While some situations can result in assigning 100% of the fault to one party and none to another, there are also many instances where one party may have a large portion of fault that is still under 50%. This means, that even the party that was a major contributor to an accident, may still be able to be compensated.
There are several forms of evidence that can support your claim even though you were ticketed when your accident happened. An experienced lawyer will know where to get that information and how to use it for your benefit. After a car accident in Abilene, call the Abilene personal injury lawyer at the Low Law firm for legal representation and guidance.
Speak to a Texas Car Accident Attorney Today
The Abilene car crash lawyer at the Low Law Firm can meet with you during a free consultation to discuss your accident experience at (325) 455-1889.