June 21, 2024

Can You Challenge DUI Charges in Texas?


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Dealing with DUI charges in Texas can be a confusing and stressful experience. You may be wondering if you can challenge the charges, and if so, what are your legal rights and options? This blog post will provide the information you need to understand your rights and make informed decisions. We’ll explore the legal pathways available and offer guidance on seeking the best DUI lawyer for your situation.

Our team of personal injury attorneys is resourceful, experienced, and knowledgeable regarding your rights. To learn more about how we can help you, call Low Law Firm today at 325.455.1889

Know Your Legal Rights After a DUI Accident

You have the necessary legal rights after a DUI accident in Texas. Understanding these rights is crucial for protecting yourself and making informed decisions. Here are some key rights you should be aware of:

  • Right to Remain Silent: You are not required to speak to the police or provide any information beyond your essential identification and insurance details. While it’s important to be cooperative, you can politely decline to answer questions about the accident or your actions leading up to it. 

Tip: Exercise your right to remain silent to help prevent self-incrimination. It’s always best to consult a DUI lawyer before making any statements to law enforcement.

  • Right to Refuse Field Sobriety Tests: Field sobriety tests, such as walking in a straight line or reciting the alphabet, are voluntary in Texas. You have the right to refuse these tests without penalty. 

Tip: Field sobriety tests are often unreliable and can be used against you. Consult a DUI accident lawyer before agreeing to any testing.

  • Right to an Attorney: You have the right to legal representation at all process stages. A DUI lawyer can protect your rights, guide you through the legal system, and work to build a strong defense on your behalf. 

Tip: Don’t try to navigate the legal system alone. Contact a drunk driving accident lawyer as soon as possible to protect your rights.

  • Right to Challenge Evidence: The prosecution must prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. You have the right to challenge the evidence presented against you, including the results of breath or blood tests. 

Tip: An experienced DUI lawyer will know how to scrutinize the evidence and look for violations of your rights that could lead to the suppression of evidence.

Exploring Your Options: Challenging DUI Charges

There are several pathways to challenging DUI charges in Texas. The right approach for you will depend on the specific circumstances of your case. Here are some standard options to consider:

  • Plea Bargaining: In some cases, your DUI lawyer may be able to negotiate a plea bargain with the prosecution. This could involve pleading guilty to a lesser charge or agreeing to a reduced sentence. 

Tip: Plea bargaining can be a complex process. Having an experienced drunk driving lawyer by your side is essential to ensure your interests are represented fairly.

  • Challenging the Stop: If the police did not have reasonable suspicion to pull you over, your DUI lawyer may be able to file a motion to suppress any evidence obtained due to the unlawful stop. 

Tip: The legality of a traffic stop can be complex. Consult a DUI lawyer near me to review the specifics of your case and determine if this strategy applies.

  • Challenging the Breath or Blood Test Results: There are several ways to challenge the results of a breath or blood test, including questioning the calibration and maintenance of the testing equipment, the qualifications of the person administering the test, and the chain of custody of the sample. 

Tip: An experienced Texas drunk driving lawyer will know how to scrutinize the testing procedures and look for any violations that could cause the results to be thrown out.

  • Asserting Affirmative Defenses: In certain circumstances, you can assert affirmative defenses, such as duress or necessity, which could provide a legal justification for your actions. 

Tip: Affirmative defenses are fact-specific and require skilled legal advocacy. Consult a DUI lawyer to explore whether this strategy could apply in your case.

The Benefits of Hiring a DUI Lawyer

Navigating the legal system can be complex and intimidating. Here are some ways a DUI lawyer can assist you:

  • Protect Your Rights: A DUI lawyer will protect your rights throughout the legal process, providing guidance and representation to prevent self-incrimination and ensure a fair trial. 

  • Investigate Your Case: Your lawyer will thoroughly investigate the circumstances of your case, including reviewing police reports, examining evidence, and interviewing witnesses. 

  • Build a Strong Defense: Based on the investigation, your lawyer will develop a tailored legal strategy, identifying strengths and weaknesses in the prosecution’s case and working to build a robust defense. 

  • Negotiate on Your Behalf: Plea bargaining can be complex and emotionally charged. A DUI lawyer will negotiate with the prosecution from a position of strength, seeking the best possible outcome for you. 

  • Provide Peace of Mind: Dealing with DUI charges can be stressful and overwhelming. A DUI lawyer will provide the support and guidance you need to navigate this challenging time. 

Tip: When choosing a DUI lawyer, look for a firm with a strong track record of success in DUI cases and a personalized approach that prioritizes your interests.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What are the penalties for a first-time DUI offense in Texas?

The penalties for a first-time DUI offense in Texas can include fines, jail time, license suspension, and the installation of an ignition interlock device. The specific penalties will depend on the circumstances of your case, such as your BAC level and whether there were any aggravating factors.

  1. Can I refuse a breath test in Texas?

Yes, you can refuse a breath test in Texas. However, refusing may have consequences, such as an automatic license suspension. Understanding your rights and potential implications before making this decision is essential.

  1. What are the benefits of hiring a DUI lawyer near me?

Hiring a DUI lawyer near me offers several advantages, including convenient access to legal representation, a personalized approach, and knowledge of local courts and prosecutors. Local DUI lawyers understand your area’s laws and procedures and can provide tailored guidance.

  1. How soon after a DUI arrest should I contact a lawyer?

It’s best to contact a DUI lawyer as soon as possible after your arrest. This allows your lawyer to intervene early in the process, potentially influencing key decisions and evidence collection. Early representation can also provide peace of mind during a stressful time.

  1. What should I look for when choosing a DUI lawyer in Abilene, Texas?

When choosing a DUI lawyer in Abilene, Texas, look for a firm with a strong track record of success in DUI cases. Seek a lawyer who prioritizes client communication, provides personalized attention, and deeply understands Texas DUI laws and your legal rights.

Work with a Texas DUI Attorney

If you or someone you know is facing DUI charges in Abilene, Texas, it’s important to remember that you have legal rights and options. Understanding these rights is the first step toward building a solid defense. Feel free to contact a qualified DUI lawyer who can guide you through the legal process and work tirelessly to protect your interests.

Call Low Law Firm at 325.455.1889 or complete our online form to schedule your free consultation. The path to recovery and justice starts with one call – make it today!