6 Steps You Should Take Immediately After a Semi Truck Crash

Being involved in a semi truck crash can be an extremely traumatic and chaotic experience. These accidents often cause severe injuries and damage due to the massive size and weight of commercial trucks. In the stressful aftermath of a crash, it’s crucial to take certain steps in order to protect your rights and access the compensation you deserve. 

This article provides a 6-step guide on the actions you or your loved ones should take if you are the victim of a semi-truck collision in Texas. Following these tips can make a major difference during the legal process following the crash.

Our team of personal injury attorneys are resourceful, experienced, and knowledgeable regarding your rights. To learn more about how we can help you, call Low Law Firm today at 325.455.1889

Step 1: Seek Medical Attention Immediately 

The first priority is always to take care of injuries and get to safety after a semi truck accident. Even if you believe you haven’t sustained serious harm, you need to be thoroughly evaluated by trained medical professionals. Some injuries like internal bleeding, head trauma, spinal cord damage, or broken bones often don’t have obvious symptoms initially. Getting prompt medical care can identify issues and prevent further harm. 

Make sure to describe all symptoms and pains to emergency responders at the scene. Answer questions from doctors and nurses completely and accurately at the hospital so they can enter details into your records. These medical records will serve as critical evidence if you pursue a legal claim later. Also save any bills, treatment notes, hospital bracelets, prescriptions and all other documents given to you.

Step 2: Document the Accident Scene  

If it is safe and possible, gather information and document details about how the crash occurred while still at the scene. Take photographs showing damaged vehicles, debris, skid marks, weather conditions, road hazards, or anything else relevant. Get contact details and statements from any witnesses while events are still fresh in their minds. If the police respond, cooperate fully but avoid admitting fault or signing anything without consulting a lawyer first. 

Save copies of the official crash report, insurance claims, and any other records about fault or compensation. All documentation about how and why the accident happened will bolster an injury claim. It shows exactly what transpired so the trucking company or insurer can’t dispute or deny liability later. 

Step 3: Call an Experienced Semi Truck Accident Lawyer

Hiring a proven semi truck accident attorney is essential after a serious crash involving a large commercial vehicle. An attorney guides you and aggressively fights to counter tactics used by powerful insurance companies and trucking corporations. They handle the entire legal process so you can focus on recovery.

Specifically, a qualified lawyer helps by:   

  • Conducting a detailed investigation of what led to the accident 

  • Preserving evidence from trucks’ black boxes, maintenance records, driver logs, dash cams and other sources

  • Consulting crash reconstruction specialists and vocational experts 

  • Obtaining maximum available insurance coverage amounts 

  • Filing claims correctly under stringent deadlines

  • Negotiating fair out-of-court settlements whenever possible

  • Taking cases to trial if needed to pursue full compensation  

At Low Law, our attorneys have decades of specific experience representing Texas clients hurt by semi trucks and commercial carriers. We work on a contingency fee basis so you pay no fees until we successfully resolve your claim and deliver financial recovery. Our team manages everything including communicating with insurance adjusters so victims avoid being taken advantage of during vulnerable times.

Step 4: Collect and Preserve Evidence After the Accident  

As discussed regarding documenting the crash scene immediately after an accident, gathering tangible evidence is key. A dedicated Texas semi truck crash lawyer has extensive resources to collect further proof over the full course of an investigation. They utilize experts in fields like accident reconstruction, biomechanics, medical examinations, economics, and vocational assessments.

However, there are also steps you can take to preserve important evidence in the days and weeks following a crash:

  • Keep all medical records, bills, notes and documents detailing crash injuries, diagnoses, treatments, or prognoses. These substantiate damages in a claim. Save pharmacy printouts, benefit explanations, appointment statements etc.    

  • Don’t make repairs or alter the post-accident condition of any vehicles involved until your attorney and assessors document their unchanged state.  

  • Save damaged personal property like clothing, glasses, cell phones etc. showing force of impact.  

  • Take photos of any evolving injuries like cuts, scrapes, bruises, casts, braces or stitches over the full recovery period.

  • Keep a written log with names/contact info documenting accident-related conversations or meetings with insurance representatives, police, eyewitnesses etc.

  • Save all related receipts and expense records for things like medical copays, transportation for treatment, prescription drugs, accident-related home or vehicle modifications etc. These show economic losses for recovering compensation.

Experienced attorneys like those at Low Law use evidence like this to prove liability, causation between the crash and injuries/damages, and the full scope of losses warranting maximum compensation. 

Step 5: File Necessary Reports Within Strict Deadlines

Texas sets legal deadlines for officially reporting severe personal injuries that must be complied with or you surrender the right to sue liable parties later. This includes car accident claims against government entities which also require notice within 6 months under state law. 

For truck crashes, you must report in writing to commercial motor carriers within 2 years or claims may be prohibited. There are also strict federal requirements for reporting under FMCSA regulations before filing or settling suits against interstate trucking companies.

With so many complex regulations and short windows to take required legal actions, having an attorney ensures proper protocols and all rights are protected. This preserves the option of seeking fair compensation through negotiations or in court if reasonable resolutions don’t occur.


Step 6: Focus on Healing Physically and Emotionally   

The top priority is always taking care of your health and well-being after an accident. Follow doctors’ orders closely including prescription drug regimens, therapy/rehab appointments, and any lifestyle modifications. Document how injuries impact daily functioning like job duties, household activities, mobility levels and enjoyment of life. 

Understand that crashes and aftermath raise risks of medical complications like infections or blood clots. Seek help immediately if pain levels change or worsen, or entirely new symptoms develop. Ongoing proper care proves injuries were caused by the collision, not prior conditions or unrelated causes the insurer may claim later to deny paying damages.  

Beyond physical recovery, don’t neglect mental and emotional health either. The trauma of a truck accident causes immense distress requiring time for counseling and processing what happened. Confide in trusted relatives or friends for support rather than isolating. Also know that feelings like anxiety, sadness, anger or pain may arise suddenly many months later as the gravity sets in. Seeking professional help from counselors is wise to develop constructive coping strategies.

With the right self-care and personal injury attorney guiding you, the difficult days and obstacles after truck crashes can be navigated safely while building a solid legal foundation for rightful compensation.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What Are Common Causes Of Semi Truck Crashes In Texas?

Fatigued or distracted truck drivers are major factors, along with speeding/aggressive driving behaviors. Improperly secured loads that shift or spill contents, poorly maintained vehicles, worn tires and outdated equipment like weak brakes or improper mirrors also contribute to severe wrecks involving semi trucks. Companies pushing drivers beyond federal hours of service rules or letting unsafe trucks stay on roads risk lives across Texas and around the country.  

  1. I Was Hit By An 18-Wheeler But Only Have Minor Injuries. Is It Still Worth Calling A Lawyer? 

Yes, absolutely consult an attorney after any collision with a commercial semi, even if initial harms seem minimal. Some medical issues like concussions, spinal disc herniations or internal organ damage from blunt trauma have delayed onsets not apparent for days or weeks post-crash. Legal help ensures insurance claims meet filing deadlines. They can later be amended as needed if major treatment, lost income, disabilities or other major expenses arise. With severe truck wrecks, early lawyer involvement often means much larger eventual settlements.

  1. What Key Evidence Can Help Prove Fault And Damages In My Semi Truck Accident Case?  

Truckers and motor carriers have extensive federally-mandated records proving safety compliance or lack thereof. Experienced attorneys utilize GPS, engine data recorders, driver logs, drug tests, maintenance files, training records, policies, crash reports and more to build strong liability claims. They also coordinate with engineers, medical specialists and financial professionals to prove the full extent of damages warranting maximum possible compensation in negotiation settlements or court verdicts.  

  1. How Long Do These Truck Crash Cases Typically Take To Resolve?

Each situation has unique aspects, but it often takes roughly 12-18 months investigating complex accidents, treating serious injuries, calculating financial liabilities etc. Skillful attorneys resolve truck collisions sooner when feasible through reasonable negotiations outside court.  But if needed to pursue full fair damages, they won’t hesitate taking powerful defendants to trial. In those instances resolving matters can understandably take over 2 years. Remember there are strict reporting deadlines so start the claims process promptly.

  1. I Was Partly At Fault In The Accident With A Semi Truck – Can I Still Recover Damages?  

Yes, Texas follows modified comparative negligence laws. So even victims deemed partially responsible (up to 51% liability) can still recover reduced compensation from any other defendant deemed over 50% liable overall. Damages get reduced by your assigned fault percentage, but experienced lawyers know how to minimize findings of shared blame through savvy legal arguments. They spend extensive efforts investigating to prove the commercial driver or trucking company bore responsibility for causing the actual wreck and injuries. Consult an attorney to assess viable options for damage recovery in these scenarios.

Work With A Semi Truck Accident Attorney in Texas

Hopefully this guide has provided some peace of mind on sensible steps empowering victims seeking accountability and fair relief after truck crashes. Remember that knowledgeable attorneys fight to secure adequate compensation for clients focusing on healing and rebuilding their lives. With compassionate legal professionals on your side, justice can be obtained despite the overwhelm and uncertainty prevalent after these complex commercial vehicle accidents occur far too often in Texas communities.

Call Low Law Firm at 325.455.1889 or complete our online form to schedule your free consultation. The path to recovery and justice starts with one call – make it today!

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