Human Trafficking Charges

Personal Injury Attorney in Abilene, Texas
Personal Injury Attorney Tara Gilmore-Low represents families and individuals in Abilene and across West Texas.
Human Trafficking charges in Abilene Texas tend to be brought up in conjunction with sex crimes or forced labor. With the proximity of Abilene, Texas so close to the border, many human trafficking charges occur right here in Taylor County. If you have been criminally charged, call The Low Law Firm today! 325-455-1889.
Human trafficking charges can be severe.
The local, county, state, and federal law enforcement agencies are taking a stronger stance against human trafficking and more people are finding themselves entangled in criminal charges that previously might not have included human trafficking. So what should you do if you or a loved one have been charged with human trafficking? If you are being charged with a crime, you need to speak with a criminal justice attorney.
According to the Texas penal code, if you receive any kind of benefit from participating in a venture including receiving labor or services the person knows are forced labor or service you can be hit with human trafficking charges. The law that deals with human trafficking charges is quite lengthy and complex. The Texas Governor is currently pushing initiatives to increase human trafficking charges.
Where people may have at one time been charged with soliciting prostitution they may now see themselves being charged with human trafficking charges. The penalties for such crimes can be severe. Property can be seized during the arrest of certain human trafficking charges. Such property can be used by the government for human trafficking survivors. If your property can be linked to sex trafficking charges you might lose it.
Call The Low Law Firm for a free consultation. 325-455-1889
The facts of your charges and your case need to be investigated and discussed. A strong and vigorous defense must be built to defend you. The prosecutors in the town of Abilene, Texas are tough on crime. You need a criminal defense attorney that will fight equally hard to protect your rights.